Rebirth the Heroine
A self-directed, virtual word quest to rewrite the story of you. Rebirth the Heroine includes a welcome email message + twelve weekly messages of writing prompts, questions, and guidance for reflection, all in support of the recovery and rebirth of the essential, wondrous heroine that is you.
More Information About Rebirth the Heroine
A twelve-week, self-directed, virtual word quest to rewrite the story of you. Once you purchase, you’ll receive a welcome email and an initial assignment, usually within 48 hours (since this is a one-woman operation over here, please allow for occasional life delays). The next day, you’ll receive the first week’s message, including writing prompts, questions, and guidance for reflection, as well as a boon for your journey. After that you’ll receive weekly messages, in the same format, and on the same day you received your first week’s message. For four weeks, in Month 1: Mapping, you’ll excavate your past for clues, hints, and signposts to the heroine that is you. In Month 2: Cave Magic: you’ll go within, tending to your present self, preparing for rebirth. Then you’ll step out into Month 3: Voice Fire, which is all about rebirthing and expressing your heroic self, and moving forward with passion, clarity, and renewed vitality.